Monica's Styling Philosophy

The relationship that you forge with your home will be one of the most consistent ones ever. A home reveals a great deal about the owner. It should welcome you with open arms every time you cross the threshold. Creating Lifestyle Poetry, beauty in an environment, starts with an intuitive or gut feel about a space and the transformation it is calling for.

The direction I take when restyling differs, depending on client needs, but the following general philosophies have served me well in magically transforming spaces.

  • De-cluttering and simplify, letting go of items that no longer serve the individual or the space.
  • The purposeful approach of re-organizing, re-using and re-purposing elements is very rewarding, providing a new lease on life to pieces, so to speak!
  • Colour coding has impact and can create a one-of-a–kind zone.
  • Making a statement by grouping similar objects together to fashion a stronger design element than individually, there is indeed power in numbers.
  • Size does matter – oversized furniture or décor pieces, placed in a key position, can significantly anchor a space.
  • Adding textures, patterns and prints, with pillows, throws and rugs works miracles to alter a space and to create instant ambiance.
  • Mixing old and new work wonders in creating aesthetically pleasing spaces.
  • When in doubt, paint it out! Create a fresh new look without breaking the bank.
  • One of the most important components is enjoying the process as it unfolds, and reveling in the ‘after’ look and feel!
  • Last but not least, celebrating the transformation – thanking the client, the team and the space for allowing us to make a difference.

Monica's Styling Projects

“It is not where you take things from, it is where you take them to” – Jean Luc Godard